Swap Shop

HUNTING, FISHING, CAMPING FOR SALE: Lynch World Champion turkey call box and other turkey calls. Please Call 601-798-3172. FOR SALE: 6-Foot 6- inch fishing rod with Daiwa [DIE-wah] reel, also antique lures. Call 601-916-0648. FOR SALE: Ducks Un- limited print, “Quail and Woodcock”. Artist Steve Church, signed and numbered, 26-inch X 19¼-inch, free shipping and handling, price re- duced to $59 or best offer. Call 601-736- 5057, in Foxworth. FOR SALE: 22-Foot nylon seine net. Call 601-798-3172 FOR SALE: Fishing rods and antique lures, Call 601-798-3172 FREE: Coleman camp stove, 2-burner. Call 601-347-6815. Q: Why are frogs so happy? Reader’s Di- gest. BOATS & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Parts for an aluminum flatboat, includes console, wind- shield, and more, $200 for all. Please Call 985- 273-9972. FOR SALE: 19-Foot fiberglass, Deep V, proj- ect boat, motor, and trailer, includes all pa- pers for boat and trailer, boat news work, $500 for all. Please Call 985- 273-9972. A: Because they eat whatever bugs them! Reader’s Digest. ATVS & MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE: Stock wheels and tires from a Honda 700 side by side. Call 601-916-2810. FOR SALE: Polaris 96 Sportsman 500 ATV, runs great. Please Call 601-569-5684. 12 | Swap Shop News | Apr 15, 2024 SWAP SHOP ONLINE WRJWRADIO.COM WRJW Swap Shop 1320-AM 106.9-FM 9:30 AM Monday-Friday Super Saturday Swap Shop at 8:00 AM Call 601-799-1900 Affordable TREE SERVICE Tree Cutting and Trimming, Stump Grinding, Debris Removal, Firewood, Dirt Hauling/ Grading, Driveways, Sod and Lot Clearing 24 HOUR BUCKET TRUCK SERVICE Accepts all major credit cards. Licensed & Insured Call Chris Clark 601-798-0253 • 601-916-9646 SEASONED OR GREEN FIREWOOD FOR SALE FREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLE YEAR-ROUND