Swap Shop

WANTED WANTED: Young fe- male goat for a pet. Call 601-569-4833. WANTED: A hardwork- ing handyman to work around a yard and home. Will pay. Call 601-347-7273. WANTED: Someone to clean up yard, remove small trees and brush, and cut some grass. Will pay $15 per hour. Call after 9:00 am, 601- 799-2183 in Picayune. WANTED: Car or truck for about $3000, must have cold air. Call after 9:00 am, 601-799-2183 in Picayune. WANTED TO BUY: Picayune Memorial High School yearbooks for years 2006 and 2008 only. Please Call 601-799-1565. WANTED: A good key- board player. Please Call 228-304-5060. WANTED: A 305 Chevy motor. Please Call 985-273-9972. WANTED: Pull-behind tiller for a lawn mower or large tractor. Text only to 601-590-3401. WANTED: An old bull- dozer, cheap, does not have to run. Call or text 228-234-5444. WANTED: Someone to help finish a deck. Call 601-590-3282. WANTED: Lawn mow- ers, any kind, running or not, fishing equipment, any kind, and vintage jewelry. Please Call 601-347-2589. WANTED: Junk push or riding mowers, any condition, running or not. Call 601-590-0703. WANTED: Morgan sil- ver dollars and Peace dollars. Will pay cash. Call 985-288-8657. WANTED: Looking to buy rock, metal, punk, blues, newer country, and old jazz music al- bums in excellent condi- tion. Call or text to 352-209-3063. WANTED: Wheelchair. Call 601-569-5031. WANTED: Fuel pump for 1983 Ford 1700 trac- tor. Call 601-798-9472. Apr 15, 2024 | Swap Shop News | 15 1320-AM 106.9-FM Monday-Friday 9:30 AM Super Saturday Swap Shop 8:00 - 9:00 AM 601-799-1900 SWAP SHOP Email Listings to... swapshop@wrjwradio.com “Every Monday morning we will draw a winner of a FREE lunch at the Paul’s Pastry’s Mardi Gras Morning Café!” JOIN THE PAUL’S PASTRY & WRJW LUNCH BUNCH Email your name and phone number to contests@wrjwradio.com or text your name with the phrase “Lunch Bunch” to 769-926-0123 * Lunch Certificate value: $9.95