Swap Shop
FOR SALE: Black- smith anvil, 350- pounds, $2000. Call 601-798-8238. FOR SALE: Ramset air nail gun with case, $60. Please Call 601- 798-8238. FOR SALE: Many tools. Please Call 228- 918-1119. FOR SALE: Hyper Tough winch, 2500- pound, like new, $40 or best offer. Please Call 601-916-9644. FOR SALE: Hitachi 12- inch miter saw, 3-years old, $150. Please Call 601-798-8238. FOR SALE: Rheem 50-gallon hot water heater. Please Call 601-347-6009. FOR SALE: Rockwell bandsaw, $25. Call 601-916-9644. FOR SALE: Hitachi 10- inch table saw, $150. Call 601-798-8238. FOR SALE: 8-Volt Hyper Tough drill, $15. Call 601-916-9644. Balancing the budget is a little like protect- ing your virtue: You just have to learn to say “no.” Ronald Reagan. CLOTHES & JEWELRY FOR SALE: Men’s Hawaiian style shirts, several designs, (7) short sleeve, (1) long sleeve, size XL, $15 for all. Call 601-799-2070. FOR SALE: Evening gowns, (2) size 12 and (1) size 14, great condi- tion, perfect for Balls and more. Please Call 601-799-2070. FOR SALE: Timber- land boots, lace-up, size 10½, no steel toe. Call 601-798-8238. FOR SALE: Ladies’ clothing, sizes 14 and 16, including dresses, dress suits, pants suits, swimsuits, wedding dresses, wedding veils, evening dresses, hats. Call 985-847-0080. FOR SALE: Ladies’ shoes, purses, and cos- tume jewelry. Please Call 985-847-0080. Q: Why did the farmer bury his money? Reader’s Digest. www.wrjwradio.com Apr 15, 2024 | Swap Shop News | 7 SWAP SHOP ONLINE WRJWRADIO.COM
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