Windsor Gardens Life

Windsor Life Page 10 Did you know 80% of Americans cannot see the Milky Way? Light pollution is not just an issue up in the sky for astronomers. It’s also at ground level impacting biological processes and our ecosystems, and this is why we should pay attention to this issue. Artificial night light decreases the number of nocturnal pollinators such as bats, moths and beetles. Without their busy work after dark, agricultural yields and all the little gardens in the city are suffering. The majority of light pollution results from outdoor lighting used by businesses marketing their hamburgers or casinos. In a place as remote as Death Valley National Park, a glow of light can be seen from Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Light that goes up is a waste of resources; 30% of outdoor lighting in the U.S. is wasted every year mostly from lights that are not shielded. It is estimated that this waste is costing up to $3 billion in wasted energy. We can control some of the pollution. We need to start up front with our design. Property owners and businesses can make a difference by following some simple guidelines: Down to Earth From Dana Cusack, Grounds Maintenance Supervisor Light Pollution reduce glare or excessive brightness; reduce clutter or large groupings of light; choose shielded fixtures that direct light downward and select proper brightness based on lumens and not wattage, 100-200 lumens is adequate. Light pollution has only been studied for a few years and most people are unaware of the impacts. This is where we can take a lesson from the spread of recycling; it started small and now it is a large part of our culture. So one smart step at a time, and we can start to change the light pollution right where we live. And maybe someday more of us will be able to see the Milky Way again. Luxurious Senior Living Call to schedule a personal tour! 303.750.0820 • 14221 East Evans Avenue • Aurora, CO 80014 96161 Cell: 303-522-6161 6501 E. Belleview Ave, Suite 500, Englewood, CO 80111 Cheryl Lohuis Broker Associate CHERYL LOHUIS Broker Associate Cell: 303-522-6161