CREJ - page 33

July 2015 — Multifamily Properties Quarterly —
Page 33
eople often overlook the impor-
tance of affordable housing
renovations and the positive
impact they have on individu-
als and families who live in the
affected property, as well as those who
live in the surrounding communities.
While all affordable housing projects
deal with timely delivery on a limited
budget, renovation projects tend to be
complex and have a unique set of chal-
Creating a Sense of Community
Renovations are unique because
builders are tasked with not only
changing the physical look of a build-
ing, but also the atmosphere and
feel. In addition to updating a prop-
erty through cosmetic, structural and
mechanical upgrades, property owners’
key goal is to create a desirable place to
live with a strong sense of community.
“One important trend we are seeing
in renovation projects is the need to
change not just physical appearance,
but also the way the complex and the
surrounding area feel to residents,”
said Kari Feld, project manager at Pal-
ace Construction. “Beyond cosmetic
updates, property owners want to build
spaces that are safe and have a sense
of community.”
Village on Plum, a multifamily afford-
able housing project for Fort Collins
Housing Authority, with completion
expected in August, embraced this
focus on community.The property has
eight buildings with a total of 96 units
and a community clubhouse.The scope
of work for the project included limited
cosmetic and mechanical upgrades in
the units as well as an extensive site
renovation.The existing clubhouse has
a new addition and
the swimming pool
was updated.The
site was regraded
to correct drainage
problems and has
been updated with
new landscaping
and amenities.
“The main focus of
the work at Village
on Plum is creating a
sense of community
through exterior site
renovation,” Feld
said. “We will incor-
porate community gardens, outdoor
exercise equipment and spaces for
residents to congregate for events such
as parties and after-school programs.
Our goal forVillage on Plum is to bring
people together.”
Accommodating Current Residents
While new construction projects
have to manage the concerns of exist-
ing neighbors, renovation projects must
address the concerns of the individuals
and families already living at the prop-
erty. In order to perform the majority
of the work associated with substan-
tial renovations, residents have to be
temporarily relocated.This involves
creating a detailed relocation plan that
includes moving families out of units,
performing the work and then moving
residents back into their homes.
“Relocating families is difficult
because people have to uproot their
lives temporarily,” Feld said. “We want
to make the transition as easy as pos-
Residents expect to be out of their
units for a very specific period of time,
making the development and execu-
tion of a detailed construction schedule
essential to the success of renova-
tion projects.When critical dates are
missed, the residents are impacted the
Maggie Bolden
Director of client
relations, Palace
Photos Courtesy: EJ Architecture
Restoration projects offer a positive impact on residents through spaces that are safe
and community focused. The before photo and after rendering reveal planned updates
including new stairs, vinyl windows and siding.
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