Gulf Pine Catholic
July 28, 2017
August 26
Sixth Annual Bill Seal
Charity Golf Tournament
GULFPORT -- The 2017 Bill Seal
Memorial Golf Tournament will be held
at Windance Country Club on August
26. This year’s tournament will honor
the Knights of Columbus Council 4898
by awarding two scholarships in the
Council’s name. Lunch will be served at
12 with Tee time 1 p.m. It is a four-per-
son team. Hole and corporate sponsor-
ships are available. All proceeds benefit
families of all faiths in the Biloxi
Dioceses with unforeseen expenses with
tuition assistance. For more info, see our
page: Bill Seal Charity Golf
August 28
Financial Peace University
GULFPORT -- Not making progress
on your financial goals? Wish you could
give more? Financial Peace University
(FPU) teaches you God’s ways of han-
dling money. It teaches you about bud-
gets, saving, giving, insurance, and many
more financial topics. You shouldn’t be
living with financial stress. Live with
financial peace. Classes start Monday,
August 28, at 6 p.m. at St. Joseph’s,
Gulfport, in Depew Hall, and meet each
Monday for 9 lessons. Call Ed Brennan
for details (228) 234-7601.
September 16
St. Joseph Drawdown
GULFPORT -- St. Joseph Catholic
Church, 12290 Depew Road, will host
its First Annual Drawdown and Silent
Auction on Saturday, September 16, in
Depew Hall. The grand prize is $10,000!
Tickets are now available in the parish
office or you can contact Barbara Brock
for ticket information. Tickets are $100,
admit two adults, or $50 admits one (21
years of age and older only). It includes
dinner and beverages. Contact Barbara
Brock, chairperson, at (228) 223-1059 or
Michelle Petersen, co-chairperson, at
(228) 596-5571 for more information.
September 16
Life in the Spirit Seminar
METAIRIE, LA -- ALife in the Spirit
Seminar will be held on Saturday,
September 16, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at
Pauline Book and Media, 4403 Veterans
Memorial Blvd, Metairie. The event is
sponsored by the Catholic Charismatic
Renewal of New Orleans and will be
hosted by the CCRNO Women’s Retreat
Team. Bring bag lunch, drinks provided.
The Life in the Spirit Seminar is a one
day event open to men and women.
Come deeper with Jesus and Mary and
experience the fullness of life in the
Holy Spirit. This seminar prepares a per-
son to receive the Baptism in the Spirit
and has revolutionized the Christian
lives of millions of Catholics all over the
world. Come and be blessed by the
power of the Holy Spirit! While there is
no charge for this seminar, please pre-
register. Space is limited. Love Offering
will be taken.
For more information, call or mail
:info@ccrno.orgor (504) 828-
1368 or
September 22
St. Rose de Lima 91st Year
BAY ST. LOUIS -- St. Rose de Lima
91st Year Celebration $11,000 Big
Money Drawdown Party! $10,000 grand
prize, $1,000 in prizes throughout the
evening. Drawdown party is at the Holy
Spirit Center at 301 South Necaise
Avenue at 6 p.m. on September 22.
Donations are $100 which includes din-
ner and tickets are available for purchase
now! Call (228) 467-7347.
September 28
Healing Retreat
“Rise and Be
Healed, A Healing Retreat for Men and
will be held Sept. 28-Oct. 1 at
Lumen Christi. Father Richard McAlear,
OMI, will be the presenter. The event is
sponsored by Catholic Charismatic
Renewal of New Orleans. For more
information, call (504) 828-1368 or send
email to
How to Help
The contest
started June 1 at 12:01 p.m. It will
end on November 24. You can buy
1 ticket, or up to 50 tickets. Limit of
50 tickets per person. Tickets are
Grand Prize
Single family residence valued
at $300,000. Designed by Darrell
Bell, 15021 Dismuke Drive, Biloxi,
MS 39532. 2,110 SF. living space,
240 SF porch, elevator, custom
cabinets, central heat & air, granite
countertops. Winner will not be
taxed on Grand Prize. All
Appliances Included and MORE..
Other Prizes
Early purchasers will qualify in
the drawing of other gifts & prizes
valued at $10,000 (Details will be
available as more prizes are donat-
For more information, visit
Send emails to
Phone: Tel: 228-334-4408
Cell: 228-215-2650
In the July 14 issue of the
Pine Catholic,
this photo was
incorrectly identified as Atlanta
Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory.
Pictured is Bishop John G. Noonan
of Orlando, Fla., who is seen at
Immaculate Conception Seminary
in Huntington, N.Y., in this 2015
file photo. We regret the error.
CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz
Land O Lakes
From page 14
Holy Cross Father John Jenkins, the
current president of Notre Dame, writing
about the Land O’ Lakes statement in an
America magazine article posted online
July 11, said that “despite the brevity of
a document composed swiftly,” the state-
ment “presented a bold, hopeful vision
informed by Vatican II.”
“The document’s limitations left
questions to be addressed, but the vision
in broad outline is one that makes truly
serious Catholic research universities
possible for our time,” he added, stress-
ing that Catholic leaders should acknowl-
edge and correct the limitations of the
text but also “continue to strive to realize
its vision.”
Jesuit Father Christopher Collins, St.
Louis University’s assistant to the presi-
dent for mission and identity, said the
tension that Catholic universities face
today are not unlike those the Land O’
Lakes writers considered.
In many ways, he said, today’s
Catholic universities are living out that
call of Pope Francis, to be at the periph-
“It’s messy and confusing, but it’s
exciting. It’s good stuff,” he said.
To advertise in the
Gulf Pine Catholic,
call (228) 702-2109 for more information.