Gulf Pine Catholic
July 28, 2017
nights of
nights of
Thank you,
St. Jude, for
prayers answered.
Thanks: Jesus,
Mary, St. Joseph,
St. Jude and St.
Anthony. Prayers
answered. JW
Thanks to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, the
Blessed Virgin Mary
and St. Jude for
prayers answered. LD
St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Picayune
The teens of St. Charles Borromeo attended the Steubenville on the Bayou Youth
Conference in Houma, La; June 16-17. This conference addresses the needs of
today’s Catholic youth. The weekend was filled with exciting faith-based talks,
praise and worship, Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, and the Sacrament of
Reconciliation. Thanks to the generous support of our parish family 24 teens
were able to attend this wonderful conference.
On June 4, at Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church, three high school
seniors were presented with scholarships from the Knights of Peter Claver
Our Mother of Sorrows Council 25 and Little Flower Court 25, Biloxi. The
three recipients were Emily Hollingsworth from Our Lady Academy, Bay St.
Louis; Clara Harbin from Resurrection Catholic High, Pascagoula; andA’mon
Haynes from Moss Point High, Moss Point. Committee members pictured
are Lady Ardell Roberts, Grand Lady Beverly Duffy, Grand Knight Michael
Griffin, Ladies Denise Bovastro and Judy Polk, and Brother Franklin Parker.
Knights of Peter Claver Our Mother of Sorrows
Council 25 and Little Flower Court 25, Biloxi
Knights of Columbus, Council 2180
On the eve of July 4th, Laurel’s
dynamic Knights of Columbus, Council
2180, hosted its inaugural parish
Patriotic Rosary, a glorious evening of
prayers, food, fun and fireworks on the
steps and front lawn of the venerable
Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The local council, in keeping with
the holiday theme, literally rolled in its
own “big gun”, a hand-wrought smoker
grill that fed at least a hundred hungry,
flag-waving souls. The Knights offi-
cially opened the festivities with a salvo of burgers, hotdogs with all the trimmings
and assorted beverages. The more-than-satisfied gathering moved outside as the
threatening thunder-clouds retreated leaving clear skies for the balance of the eve-
The children bounded in the bounce house while the adults were graciously led
by Bill Gatzman in reciting the Patriotic Rosary, prayers of gratitude, protection and
restoration for our country, the 50 states and our elected leaders. As the skies mel-
lowed to a dark navy blue, our beloved town of Laurel provided a fantastic 20-min-
ute fireworks display. We were captivated by the bomb bursts, brocades and bou-
quets filling the skies with shimmering trails and crackles as they fell from the sky
like falling leaves. The display culminated in a triumphant barrage that left no one
The parish and friends of the parish wish to thank those intrepid Knights and
their families who graciously worked out their salvation by sacrificing time, talent,
effort…and not to mention hairs on their arms and eyebrows…to provide this won-
derful gift to all.